An original piece of the abbey still standing

The map of the Abbey of Saint Mary

A view of Kenilworth Castle across the lake

Walking up towards Kenilworth Castle

A view of the inside

In the garden

The aviary in the garden

Castle walls

A former standing window

The former kitchen and fireplace

The great hall

A sign of the great hall

The former windows of the great hall

Another shot of the great hall

Graffiti work for Andy's collection

More graffiti work

Overview of the garden

Some more windows

The sun setting over the valley

This all used to be covered in water

The sign showing the extent of the water

Down the stairs with the flash on

Looking out the window with the flash on

Oh, it is so dark in the stairwell

Fireplace in the great hall

I love the sunsetting

Gaunt's tower where the living quarters were

View of the window outside

View of the castle

Sunsetting through the window

This is where a stair case used to be leading into the great hall

Showing the different centuries and stone used

Gaunt's tower

A little blurry, but you can see the layer of mist falling

The queen's servants

I liked how the sunset was reflecting in the water

A 2 liter of Strongbow Cider

Bill playing around on his iphone

Andy and I at a pub

Strongbow and Good Elf

A selection of seasonal beers

Movies from England:

Swans by Kenilworth Castle

Ducks by our apartment

More footage of the ducks

Two seconds on the airplane

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